Saturday, 13 October 2012

Case studies: part 4

Section B
Lenka- We will not grow old. 
23 September 2008 through Epic Records

All of Lenka's songs are so simple but at the same time so true. It's like she's able to exactly get at the right point with only a few words.
This song is about how at the beginning of a relationship, especially between teenagers, you are confident that this one will be the person you will spend the rest of your life with, that he/she is "the one". And this happens all the time, you think that you "will never grow old" and that you’re two "hearts will never die".
But then, at the end, she realizes that this feeling and this adolescent love will eventually end, and fade away. 


 The music starts as loads of pictures put together, at a fast speed. It appears that the camera is hand held, and shows her journey as she walks up the stairs.

The camera begins to zoom in for about two seconds and then zooms out. To show us her movement, as she walks up the stairs. From 0:04 to 0:06.

 The camera gradually gets closer to the actress who is sitting on the stairs. Because it's hand held, it allows us to feel apart of the video. We're moving with the camera, we become the footsteps.

There's a close up of the hands of the actress.Only until we get closer, we see she has a notebook in her hand but appears to be blank.

The page then starts to blossom with colour cut outs of paper, creating beautiful patterns. She used different materials, and they move and burst with energy.

The energy of the animation describes her love and how she's feeling. It's colourful and shows her joy and how she feels about their relationship. I believe the cut outs and materials symbolizes their relationship, lively and never ending. It's quite unusual to music videos nowadays, however it's mysterious and quite romantic.

0:51 - 0:56. The camera goes up to Lenka and she blows up the balloon. Then it rewinds. The camera moves backwards while the balloon deflates. I want to use this technique in my own music video because I believe it would be very effective, and make a video interesting.

 A few times the lyrics appear on the balloon and the there's many scenes where she writes the lyrics on the floor. I like the idea of the lyrics visually on the screen. There are also quite a few close up shots, to show us closely what Lenka (woman in video) is doing.

This video is very creative and conceptual. She's young, in love, and believes that their love will last forever.

I think the target audience, is anyone who loves animation, and stop motion. People who also love love songs (ages 15-onwards). It's a stop motion video; I find it quite entertaining and creative. In my music video, I think that I would like a bit of stop motion. I like the shot above where Lenka writes the lyrics on the floor. I think the stop motion idea is really sweet, simple and very effective. 

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